santa croce in gerusalemme reliquie

The Holy Relics are preserved in precious reliquaries … Later, in 3 AD, it was chosen by the Severan Emperors to create the imperial residence which included a palace, a Circus (Circo Variano) and the Castrense Amphitheatre, later included in the Aurelian Walls, built between 271 and 275. It was the 13 of March. Originally, it was named the Basilica Eleniana or Sessoriana. In the same display case is preserved The Titulus Crucis- the wooden tablet of the Cross, probably brought to the Basilica in the VI century and discovered during the restoration works of the XV century. Nella stessa teca è conservato anche Il Titulus Crucis- la tavoletta reliquia della Croce probabilmente portata nella Basilica nel VI secolo e rinvenuta nel XV secolo murata all’interno dell’arco absidale della Basilica. The Emperor Constantine I decided to restore the imperial residence and gave it the name “Sessorium”. Il Primo Parroco fu il Don Eugenio Torrieri, Abate. This website uses cookies, even third-parties ones: clicking on “Close”, proceeding on the navigation, scrolling the pages or performing any other interaction with the website you approve the use of cookies. The Holy Relics are preserved in precious reliquaries (made all or in part in the XIX century), protected by a glass case and displayed to the veneration of the faithful. A queste reliquie si aggiunsero, per completare la catechesi sulla passione, i frammenti della Grotta della Natività e del S. Sepolcro, la falange del dito di San Tommaso,il Patibolo del Buon Ladrone e due spine provenienti dalla Corona di Gesù. In the 8th century, the basilica was restored by Pope Gregory II and Pope Hadrian I. The relics of the Cross were initially stored in the chapel created in the IV century by St. Helen herself; in the XVI century they were moved to allow a more adequate conservation and in 1931 they found their final place in the modern Chapel accessible via the corridor that symbolize an ideal ascent to Calvary. La tradizione dice che furono sicuramente portate da sant’Elena a Roma a seguito del suo viaggio i frammenti della Vera Croce ed uno dei chiodi utilizzati nella Crocefissione. The Esquilino during the rule of Emperor Augustuswas a residential area. The inauguration was officiated by His Eminence the Cardinal Respighi, Vicar of His Holiness, with a solemn rite, during wich the Pope’s founding Decree was read in front of the cheering population. Nowadays, two of the commissioned paintings, St. Helena with the True Cross and The Mocking of Christ, are now in Grasse, France, while the third, The Elevation of the Cross, was lost. Today’s appearance of the building dates back to the 18th century. The first Parish priest was the Most Reverend Abbot Don Eugenio Torrieri. The most recent Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Crucis in Hierusalem was Juan Jose Omella, since 28 June 2017. Le Sacre Reliquie, poste in preziosi reliquiari realizzati tutti o in parte nel 1800, sono conservate in una teca di cristallo ed esposte così alla venerazione dei fedeli. Questo sito utilizza i cookie, anche di terze parti: cliccando su 'Chiudi', proseguendo nella navigazione, effettuando lo scroll della pagina o altro tipo di interazione col sito, acconsenti all'utilizzo dei cookie. Later, in the 16th century, the basilica went through changes again, but it assumed its current Baroque appearance under Pope Benedict XIV (1740-58). It was designed by architect Florestano Di Fausto in 1930. Later, in the 10th century, Lucius II restored it following the Romanic style. The first reference is from the year 501, and reads Hierusalem basilica Sessoriani palatii, showing that the official name of the church back then was  “Jerusalem”. The present name of Santa Croce was given to the church in the Middle Ages. The parish of Holy Cross in Jerusalem was established in the year 1910 by the Pope St. Pius the Tenth. The architects Pietro Passalacqua and Domenico Gregorini, by desire of Pope Benedict XIV, titular cardinal of the church, changed the interior and exterior of the basilica, creating an elliptical atrium and replacing the medieval facade with a travertine one. The tradition says that St. Helen brought to Rome, after her pilgrimage, the fragments of the True Cross and one of the nails used in the Crucifixion. In 1601, Peter Paul Rubens finished his first altarpiece commission by Archduke Albert of Austria, St. Helena with the True Cross for the Chapel of St. Helena. The construction was changed and the chapel which contained the relics of the Cross found by Saint Helen on Mount Calvary became the nucleus of the Basilica of the Holy Cross. Explore Rome with Us :), Ponte Sant’Angelo: Rome’s Bridge of Angels. The Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. Per maggiori informazioni o per negare il consenso a tutti o ad alcuni cookie, consulta l'informativa. The chapel includes part of the Elogium or Titulus Crucis; two thorns of the Crown of Thorns; part of a nail; the index finger of St. Thomas; and three small wooden pieces of the True Cross. For additional info or to block one or all of the cookies, please check the informative note. The Esquilino during the rule of Emperor Augustus was a residential area. The tablet is written from right to left using Hebrew, Greek and Latin characters and reports the reasons for the death sentence:” I. NAZARINVS RE [X IVDAEORVM]”, Copyright © Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. The church became a three naves building with a porch and a bell tower. There are no documents describing the foundation of the church. La Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme si trova a Roma, nel Rione Esquilino, a ridosso delle Mura Aureliane e dell'Anfiteatro Castrense, tra la Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano e Porta Maggiore. the panel which was hung on Christ's Cross (generally either ignored by scholars or considered to be a mediaeval forgery ); two thorns of the Crown of Thorns; part of a nail; the index finger of St. Thomas; and three small wooden pieces of the True Cross. In 1629, a larger piece of the True Cross was moved to the St. Peter’s Basilica, where it is located near the statue of St. Consequently, when the Emper… Moreover, the Cosmatesque pavement dates from this period. For the last 6 years I live in the Eternal City. At the beginning of its existence, the basilica’s was covered with soil from Jerusalem, thus acquiring the title in Hierusalem. Later, in 3 AD, it was chosen by the Severan Emperors to create the imperial residence which included a palace, a Circus (Circo Variano) and the Castrense Amphitheatre, later included in the Aurelian Walls, built between 271 and 275. The Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem or Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (Latin: Basilica Sanctae Crucis in Hierusalem) is a Roman Catholic minor basilica and titular church in Esquilin district, close to the Aurelian Walls. Several famous relics of disputed authenticity are housed in the Cappella delle Reliquie, built in 1930 by architect Florestano Di Fausto, including part of the Elogium or Titulus Crucis, i.e. Le reliquie della Croce erano inizialmente custodite nella cappella creata nel IV secolo dalla stessa Sant’Elena; nel XVI secolo furono trasferite per permetterne una più adeguata conservazione e nel 1931 trovarono la loro definitiva collocazione nell’attuale Cappella a cui si accede tramite un corridoio che simboleggia un’ideale ascesa al calvario. The altar has a huge statue of St. Helena, which was obtained from an ancient statue of the pagan goddess Juno found in Ostia. Traveling, exploring new things, writing blogs, shooting vlogs are my main hobbies, but the thing that I like even more is to share my experience and thoughts with you! La tavoletta è inscritta da destra verso sinistra usando caratteri ebraici greci e latini e riporta la motivazione della condanna a morte I. NAZARINVS RE[X IVDAEORVM], Copyright © Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. Later were added the fragments of the Grotto of the Nativity and the Holy Sepulchre, the joint of the finger of St. Thomas, a part of the cross of the Good Thief and two thorns from the Crown of Jesus to complete the catechesis on the Passion. The relics of the Cross were initially stored in the chapel created in the IV century by St. Helen herself; in the XVI century they were moved to allow a more adequate conservation and in 1931 they found their final place in the modern Chapel accessible via the corridor that symbolize an ideal ascent to Calvary. In 2010 the Parish celebrated its hundredth year of life. Empress Helena nowadays. Nel 2010 la Parrocchia di Santa Croce ha festeggiato il primo Centenario dalla sua fondazione. It is one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome. The Emperor Constantine I decided to restore the imperial residence and gave it the name “Sessorium”. In the same display case is preserved The, - the wooden tablet of the Cross, probably brought to the Basilica in the VI century and discovered during the restoration works of the XV century. Consequently, when the Emperor moved to Constantinople, the residence became a property of his mother Helen. Cappella delle Reliquie contains famous relics of disputed authenticity. Relics. La Parrocchia di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme è nata nel 1910, istituita da Papa San Pio X. Il 13 marzo 1910, con Decreto del Sommo Pontefice S. Pio X, l' Cardinale Respighi, Vicario di Sua Santità, con rito solenne, cui assistette la popolazione festante, inaugurò la nuova Parrocchia di Santa Croce. The tablet is written from right to left using Hebrew, Greek and Latin characters and reports the reasons for the death sentence:” I. NAZARINVS RE [X IVDAEORVM]”. A much larger piece of the True Cross was taken from the Basilica on the instr… In 2011, the Cistercian abbey linked to the Basilica was suppressed by a decree of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, following the results of an apostolic visitation prompted by years of serious problems, including significant liturgical disputes. In the vault, there is a mosaic by Melozzo da Forli depicting Jesus Blessing, Histories of the Cross, and various saints.

Conventi Che Ospitano Donne In Difficoltà, Pantelleria Dammusi Sul Mare, San Vincenza Onomastico 18 Maggio, Auguri Di Buon Compleanno Con Nome Alessio, Chi E Nato Il 18 Luglio Personaggi Famosi, San Gregorio Barbarigo, Lettera Ai Romani 8 31-39,

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