[5], 2015 wurde Rappoport als Volkskünstler Russlands ausgezeichnet. Ŝi aperis en filmoj kaj televidserioj kiel ekzemple Streets of Broken Streetlights (Stratoj de Broken Streetlights), barono, Anna Karenina , Nicholas II (Germanio), La Rusa Novedzino, Nacia Sekurecagento, Empire Under Fire, Calendula Flowers, Prokofiev (Germanio), Get Thee From Me (Ricevu Thee From Me), Criminal Petersburg, Homicide, kaj I Pay Up Front kaj My Wife's Romance . Новолитика, Creative Commons Atribute-ShareAlike-Licenco, La ĉi-suba teksto estas aŭtomata traduko de la artikolo, Elena, la filino de serafoj kaj disidento, aktorino Anna Feofanova (novelo- "Krom la tunelo"), Wikimedia Komunejo havas amaskomunikilaron ligitajn al. Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport (Roushie: Ксения Александровна Раппопорт; born 25 Mairch 1974 in Leningrad) is a Roushie actress. Director | [3] Im selben Jahr kehrte sie für Maria Sole Tognazzis L'uomo che ama zum italienischen Film zurück. In der Vergangenheit schwer vergewaltigt und misshandelt geht sie Jahre später in Italien einer unterbezahlten Arbeit als Putzfrau nach, um ihre zur Adoption freigegebene Tochter aufzuspüren. En 2000 ŝi studentiĝis ĉe Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy (SPBGATI), kie ŝi studis en la klaso VM Filshtinsky kaj tuj estis invitita al ligi la grupstazhёrskuiu St. Petersburg Maly Drama Theater, kie ŝi estas aktorino en la momento. Actress | As of February 2016, they were married for some time. Xenija (auch Kseniya) Alexandrowna Rappoport (russisch Ксения Александровна Раппопорт; * 25. Ilya. This page wis last eeditit on 12 October 2015, at 19:05. Official Sites. Spouse (1) She has a daughter, actress Darya-Aglaya Tarasova, with her former husband, businessperson Viktor Tarasov; and a daughter with her former husband, actor Yuri Kolokolnikov. She played Nina Zarechnaya in The Seagull, Elena in Uncle Vania, and Sonia in La doppia ora. Ученица 5-ого класса ТФТЛ (Томского Физико Технического Лицея). Position in rating: 38482. In 2014 she became the winner of "Top 50 Most famous people of St. Petersburg" in the theater for active work in the Board of Trustees "Children Bella" and the role of Ranevskaya in The Cherry Orchard by Lev Dodin. Personal Details Born. Kseniya Rappoport was born on March 25, 1974 in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR as Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport. Das US-amerikanische Branchenblatt Variety lobte die russische Schauspielerin für ihr unglaubliches Geschick, das Publikum auf ihre Seite zu ziehen und ihre Irina als eines der „am tiefsten nuancierten Filmportraits einer Frau, die durch die Hölle der menschlichen Sklaverei gegangen ist“. 1974 1974-3-25 Actress Aries Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport Kseniya Rappoport Net Worth Leningrad March 25 Russia Russian Russian SFSR Soundtrack The Double Hour (2009) The Unknown Woman (2006) Two Days (2011) USSR [now St. Petersburg Yuri's Day (2008) Has two daughters - Darya-Aglaya Tarasova (b. April 18, 1994) with her ex-boyfriend Viktor Tarasov and Sofiya Kolokolnikova (b. January 2011) with her ex-boyfriend. Has two daughters - Darya-Aglaya Tarasova (b. April 18, 1994) with her ex-boyfriend Viktor Tarasov and Sofiya Kolokolnikova (b. January 2011) with her ex-boyfriend Yuri Kolokolnikov. Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport (Russian: Ксе́ния Алекса́ндровна Раппопо́рт; born 25 March 1974 in Saint Petersburg) is a Russian actress. Soundtrack. Graduated from the Academy of Theater in Saint Petersburg in 2000. 1974 Ebenfalls im Jahr 2008 konnte die russische Schauspielerin als Moderatorin der Eröffnungs- und Abschlusszeremonie für die 65. She has appeared in films and TV series such as Streets of Broken Streetlights, Baron, Anna Karenina, Nicholas II (Germany), The Russian Bride, National Security Agent, Empire Under Fire, Calendula Flowers, Prokofiev (Germany), Get Thee From Me, Criminal Petersburg, Homicide, and I Pay Up Front and My Wife's Romance. Sie besuchte dort die Staatliche Akademie für Theaterkunst, wo sie in der Klasse von V. M. Filschtinski studierte. Nata a Leningrado, il 25 marzo del 1964, ha una madre ingegnere e un padre architetto. Der Part der geheimnisvollen Irina brachte Rappoport die Gunst der internationalen Filmkritiker ein. Venice Film Festival to close with Giuseppe Capotondi’s ‘The Burnt Orange Heresy’, 22 July 2019 Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 21. April 2015 „Über die Auszeichnung mit den staatlichen Auszeichnungen der Russischen Föderation“, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Xenija_Alexandrowna_Rappoport&oldid=191560060, Wikipedia:LCCN in Wikipedia fehlt, in Wikidata vorhanden, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Раппопорт, Ксения Александровна; Rappoport, Ksenia Alexandrovna; Rappoport, Kseniya; Rappoport, Ksenia, 2008: Darstellerpreis des Sochi Open Russian Film Festival für, 2008: Preis des russischen Filmkritikerverbandes für. Filmfestspiele von Venedig gewonnen werden. She is an actress and director, known for La doppia ora (2009), The Unknown Woman (2006) and Yurev den (2008). [1] In La Sconosciuta (dt. She is an actress and director, known for The Double Hour (2009), The Unknown Woman (2006) and Yuri's Day (2008). Festivalo de Venecio. Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport (Russian: Ксе́ния Алекса́ндровна Раппопо́рт; born 25 March 1974 in Saint Petersburg) is a Russian actress. Kseniya Rappoport was born on March 25, 1974 in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR as Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport. juzzi_mag. Honored Artist of Russia (December 11, 2009) and People's Artist of Russia (April 4, 2015). Rappoport was married to Russian businessman Viktor Tarasov (divorced). März 1974 in Leningrad) ist eine russische Schauspielerin. Rappoport's father was Jewish, and she has stated that she never hid her Jewish ethnicity. She hosted the Venice Film Festival in 2008. | March 25, She hosted the Venice Film Festival in 2008. Child's father is her 1st husband, Victor Tarasov. Publicity Listings Other Works | | Ĉe la 35-a Moscow International Film Festival (Moskvo Internacia Filmfestivalo) aljuĝis specialan premio- "Por konkero de plej bona de actor's kapablo kaj lojaleco laj principojn de Stanislavsky-lernejo". Kseniya Rappoport (March 25, 1974 Saint Petersburg-) also known as Ksenia Rapoport, Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport, Kseniya Rappaport, Ksenia Alexandrovna Rappoport, Ksenia Rappoport or Xenia Rappoport is a Russian actor. Ein Jahr später wurde Rappoport für den Europäischen Filmpreis nominiert, hatte aber gegenüber der Oscar-Preisträgerin Helen Mirren (Die Queen) das Nachsehen. She played Nina Zarechnaya in The Seagull, Elena in Uncle Vania, and Sonia in La doppia ora. Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR [now St. Petersburg, Russia], 22 July 2019 Rappoport estis edziĝinta al rusa komercisto Victor Tarasov (disigita). A. Chekhov metis Lev Dodin en 2001. Country: Russia. elshandzahafarov. In 2008, Rappoport won the Yuri's Day prize of the festival "Kinotavr" for Best Actress, and in September 2009 for The Double Hour she won the prize of the Venice Film Festival for Best Actress. Your Favorite Ennio Morricone Drama Soundtrack? Petersburg" en la "teatro" por aktiva laboro en la estraro de kuratoraro "Children Bella" kaj la rolo de Ranevskaya en "La Ĉerizo-Fruktoplantejo" de Lev Dodin. On June 27, 2012, at the 58th International Film Festival in Taormina (Sicily, Italy) Rappoport awarded the prize "Golden Lion", founded by the Province of Messina. She has two children, Darya Tarasova and Sophia Kolokolnikova. She haes appeared in such films an TV series as Streets of Broken Streetlights, Baron, Anna Karenina, Nicholas II (Germany), The Russian Bride, National Security Agent, Empire Under Fire, Calendula Flowers, Prokofiev (Germany), Get Thee From Me, Criminal Petersburg, Homicide, an I Pay Up Front. She is married to Dmitriy Borisov. Xenija Rappoport wurde 1974 in Leningrad, in der Sowjetunion, geboren, dem heutigen Sankt Petersburg. She played Nina Zarechnaya in The Seagull, Elena in Uncle Vania, an Sofia in La doppia ora. Nach dem Erfolg im italienischen Kino war Rappoport 2008 als verwöhnte russische Opernsängerin in Kirill Serebrennikows Drama Yuri's Day (Yuryev den) zu sehen, für deren Darstellung sie Lob auf dem Filmfestival von Locarno erhielt. She made her debut in cinema at the age of 16 years, while the decision to become an actress was influenced by her role in the film Get Thee Out. Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport March 25, 1974 Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR [now St. Petersburg, Russia] Related News. She graduated in 2000 from Saint Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Arts and was immediately invited to join the Maly Drama Theatre.She played Nina Zarechnaya in The Seagull, Elena in Uncle Vania, and Sonia in La doppia ora. She graduatit in 2000 frae Saunt Petersburg Academy o Theatrical Airts an wis immediately invitit tae join the Maly Drama Theatre. Parallel zu ihrer Arbeit am Theater nimmt Rappoport regelmäßig Engagements für Film- und Fernsehproduktionen wahr. Star Sign. Queen Of Spades Trailer: Russian Thriller Acquired by Samuel Goldwyn Films, Look ahead to the TV shows still set to premiere in the rest of 2020, including "Selena: The Series" and "The Stand.". Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR [now St. Petersburg, Russia], Venice Film Festival to close with Giuseppe Capotondi’s ‘The Burnt Orange Heresy’, ‘The Burnt Orange Heresy,’ With Mick Jagger and Donald Sutherland, to Close Venice, Queen Of Spades Trailer: Russian Thriller Acquired by Samuel Goldwyn Films. ‘The Burnt Orange Heresy,’ With Mick Jagger and Donald Sutherland, to Close Venice, 19 October 2018 She later married Russian actor Yuri Kolokolnikov, and they have a daughter Sofia, born January 2011. Брандина Татьяна ученица 5в класса ... darya_kushnir. | Variety Real name girls – Daria, however, in stage circles, the actress decided to establish herself as Aglaia. Xenia pozis kiel Nina Zarechnaya en " La Mevo " She played Nina Zarechnaya in The Seagull, Elena in Uncle Vania, and Sonia in La doppia ora. Ŝi faris she debuton en kinejo en la aĝo de 16 jaroj, dum la decido iĝi aktorino estis influita per ŝia rolo en la filmo " GET Thee Out ". She is an actress and director, known for La doppia ora (2009), The Unknown Woman (2006) and Yurev den (2008). Their daughter is actress Darya Viktorovna "Aglaya" Tarasova, born 1994 in Saint Petersburg. Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport (Russian: Ксе́ния Алекса́ндровна Раппопо́рт; born 25 March 1974 in Saint Petersburg[1]) is a Russian actress. Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR [now St. Petersburg, Russia], View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro, Some famous and mostly unknown beautiful actresses, Rabe to Reynolds Global actresses # 27 in progress. Tornatores Film wurde im selben Jahr als offizieller italienischer Beitrag für die Nominierung in der Kategorie des besten fremdsprachigen Filmes bei der Oscarverleihung 2008 ausgewählt, kam aber nicht in Endauswahl. Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport. En 2008," Jurev-tago " premio de la festivalo " Kinotavr " por Best Actress. She graduated in 2000 from Saint Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Arts and was immediately invited to join the Maly Drama Theatre. In December 2009, Rappoport was awarded the title Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Alekseeva Alena Aleksandrovna. August 2019 um 20:57 Uhr bearbeitet. Tags: Ashkenazi Jewish Jewish Russian Russian Jewish [4] Yuri Andreyevich Kolokolnikov is a Russian actor of theatre and cinema. Filmfestspiele von Venedig. 2003 erhielt Rappoport für ihre Interpretation der Elena in Leo Dodins Inszenierung von Tschechows Onkel Wanja den „Goldenen Lichtstreifen“, den wichtigsten Sankt Petersburger Theaterpreis.[1]. Xenia played Nina Zarechnaya in The Seagull set Lev Dodin in 2001, She also played a girl in "Claustrophobia" (MDT), Elena Andreyevna in Uncle Vanya (Prize "Gold spotlights" in 2003 for Best Actress) and Sofia in Play without Name directed by Lev Dodin in MDT, Jocasta in Oedipus Rex, Beatrice in The Servant of Two Masters and Ismenio in Antigone (State Theatre on Foundry). Der italienische Regisseur hatte erfolglos in Prag, Kiew und Moskau nach der Hauptdarstellerin seiner Kinoproduktion gesucht, ehe er Rappoport verpflichtete, die bei den ersten Testaufnahmen weder das Drehbuch kannte, noch der italienischen Sprache mächtig war. März 1974 in Leningrad) ist eine russische Schauspielerin. Ŝi ĉefrolis en la itala filmo La sconosciuta (2006), L'uomo-Cheama (2008) kaj en la Ora Leono nomumis filmon La doppia ora (2009), por kiu ŝi gajnis Volpi Cup for Best Actress (Volpi pokalo por Best Actress) ĉe la 66-a Коробкина Настя. She starred in the Italian film La sconosciuta (2006) an in the Golden Lion nominatit movie La doppia ora (2009), for which she wan Volpi Cup (the Best Actress award) at the 66t Venice Film Festival.[1]. She graduatit in 2000 frae Saunt Petersburg Academy o Theatrical Airts an wis immediately invitit tae join the Maly Drama Theatre. She is married to Dmitriy Borisov. In dem Drama sind unter anderem Pierfrancesco Favino, Monica Bellucci und Marisa Paredes ihre Filmpartner. En marto 2015 al li estis premiita la premio de la Unuiĝo de produktantoj de filmo kaj televido en la kampo de televidaj filmoj kiel "Plejbone aktorino-televido-filmo=/=sery" por la rolo de Olga en la Televidserio "Ladoga". Gave birth to her 1st child at age 20, a daughter Darya Tarasova on April 18, 1994. Kseniya Rappoport was born on March 25, 1974 in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR as Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport. In 2014 she met restaurateur Dmitriy Borisov. La 27-an de junio 2012, ĉe la 58-a Internacia Filmfestivalo en Taormina (Sicilio, Italio) Rappoport aljuĝis al la premio "Golden Lion", fonditan fare de la Provinco de Mesino. : „Die Unbekannte“), in 96 Tagen in Triest und Rom abgedreht, schlüpft Rappoport in die Rolle einer 32-jährigen Ukrainerin, die in ihrer Jugend einem internationalen Prostitutionsring zum Opfer fiel. Gerhard Saller. As of February 2016, they were married for some time. Ведутся технические работы, Ксения Раппопорт родила от Колокольникова! Nach Beendigung ihrer Schauspielausbildung im Jahr 1999 schloss sie sich dem Ensemble des Sankt Petersburger Mali Theaters um Leo Dodin an und gab im Jahr 2001 ihr professionelles Debüt mit der weiblichen Hauptrolle in Anton Tschechows Drama Die Möwe. Decembron 2009, al Rappoport estis aljuĝita la titolo Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (Honorita Artisto de la Rusa Federacio). | Full Name Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport Born 25 March 1974 (age 41) (1974-03-25) Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR (now Saint Petersburg, Russia) Children Darya Tarasova, Sofia Kolokolnikova TV shows Liquidation, The White Guard, Ladoga Awards People's Artist of Russia, Golden Eagle Award for Best Leading Actress, David di Donatello for Best Actress Movies The Unknown Woman, The Double Hour, … Awards: 10 wins & 8 nominations. 1951 Alymov Aleksandr Ivanovich Vlasov Aleksej Ivanovich Drozdovskaja Irina Stepanovna Zhbanov Viktor Mihajlovich Ignat’eva Viktorija Pavlovna Kashevarov Pavel Mihajlovich Kolosova-Lisovskaja Marina Mihajlovna Muntjan Jurij Afanas’evich Nikol’skaja Irina Viktorovna Oglobina Natal’ja Dmitrievna Ol’shevskaja Margarita Aleksandrovna Panov Anatalij Pavlovich Rozenfel’d Efim Usherovich … Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport (Russian: Ксе́ния Алекса́ндровна Раппопо́рт; born 25 March 1974 in Saint Petersburg) is a Russian actress. Ŝi ankaŭ pozis kiel knabino en "Klaŭstrofobio" (MDT), [5] Elena Andreyevna en " Onklo Vanya " (Premio- "Oro-spotlumoj" en 2003 por Best Actress) kaj kiel Sofio en "Play Without name" direktita fare de Lev Dodin en MDT, Jokasta en la teatraĵo "Oedipus Rex", Beatrica en "La Servisto de Du Majstroj" kaj Ismenio en "Antigono" ( State Theatre sur Foundry). [5] alena-aleks-95. Elshan. Ksenija Aleksandrovna Rappoport (in russo: Ксения Александровна Раппопорт? In 2014 she met restaurateur Dmitriy Borisov. Ilia filino estas aktorino Darya Victorovna "Aglaya" Tarasova, naskita 1994 en Sankt-Peterburgo. Rappoport haes twa dochters, Darya (born in Apryle 1994) an Sophia (born in Januar 2011). Ŝi poste edziĝinta rusa aktoro Yuri Kolokolnikov, kaj ili havas filinon Sofio, naskita januaron 2011. [4] Ein Jahr später erhielt sie für die Hauptrolle in Giuseppe Capotondis Drama Die doppelte Stunde mit der Coppa Volpi den Darstellerpreis der 66. Graduated from the Academy of Theater in Saint Petersburg in 2000. I enjoy creating and spreading knowledgeable content for everyone around the world and try my best not to leave even the smallest of mistakes go unnoticed. (Leningrado, 25 marzo 1974) Di una bellezza particolare, con gli occhi di ghiaccio, Ksenia Rappoport, al secolo Ksenija Alexandrovna Rappoport, è una talentuosa attrice russa che ha trovato la sua fortuna in Italia. Nach größeren Parts in Jean-Daniel Verhaeghes Fernsehfilm Sissi, l'impératrice rebelle (2004) und dem Fernsehmehrteiler Esenin (2005), in dem sie an der Seite von Sean Young und Gary Busey agierte, folgte 2006 mit Giuseppe Tornatores La Sconosciuta der internationale Durchbruch als Filmschauspielerin. Screen Anarchy In 2000 she graduated from Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy (SPbGATI), where she studied in the class VM Filshtinsky and was immediately invited to join the group stazhёrskuyu St. Petersburg Maly Drama Theater, where she is an actress at the moment. En 2014 li iĝis la gajninto de "Pinto 50 Most fama popolo de Skt. She starred in the Italian film La sconosciuta (2006), L'uomo che ama (2008) and in the Golden Lion nominated movie La doppia ora (2009), for which she won Volpi Cup for Best Actress at the 66th Venice Film Festival. Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge, Saunt Petersburg Academy o Theatrical Airts, 14th Damascus International Film Festival, https://sco.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kseniya_Rappoport&oldid=500908, Wikipaedia airticles wi SUDOC identifiers, Wikipaedia airticles wi Trove identifiers, Wikipaedia airticles wi WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. ScreenDaily [1] [6], Internationalen Filmfestspiele von Venedig, Erlass des Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation N 171 vom 4. En 2013, en la kategorio- "Kapablo-aktoro" (Plej bona aktorino) aljuĝis la Internacian Premion de Stanislavsky (2012-2013 teatrosezono) por la rolo de lordino Milford en la teatraĵo "Intrigo kaj Amo" direktita fare de Lev Dodin (MDT-Teatro de Eŭropo). She is married to Dmitriy Borisov. She graduated in 2000 from Saint Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Arts and was immediately invited to join the Maly Drama Theatre. Aglaia V. Tarasova was born in St. Petersburg on 18 April 1994 in the family of a famous Russian actress Ksenia Rappoport and businessman Viktor Tarasov. Kseniya Aleksandrovna Rappoport (Roushie: Ксения Александровна Раппопорт; born 25 Mairch 1974 in Leningrad) is a Roushie actress. In the West, Kolokolnikov is best known for his performance as Styr in the television series Game …
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