fiere 2020 covid

[126] On 11 March a student tested positive after developing fever in Italy. Morti raddoppiano", "Covid, picco di casi in Campania: chiuse scuole e università fino al 30/10", Il Dpcm slitta a venerdì. On 26 February, Finland confirmed that a Finnish woman who had visited Milan and was back in Finland on 22 February tested positive at the Helsinki University Central Hospital. Three sections and two different industrial views different and synergic: industrial manufacturing on one side and third party processing on the other hand. Les réponses aux questions que vous vous posez sur le confinement en Alsace, c'est par ici ! [354] The Italian Permanent Representative to the European Union, Maurizio Massari, wrote: "unfortunately, not a single EU country responded to the Commission's call. [456] Economist Alberto Bisin forecast that Italy's debt-to-GDP ratio would rise from 130% to 180% by the end of the year, due to borrowing and losses. Très critiqué pour sa gestion de la pandémie, le président américain s'est offert, à la veille de la fête nationale du 4 juillet, une soirée de feux d'artifice et un discours au ton très dur en terrain conquis. Industry pundits, analysts and operators will delve into issues relating with connected car development as well as remote and workshop service, big data analysis and IT security, smart city design and the development of smart transportation solutions able to rethink mobility according to a digital and sustainable paradigm. Although Fontana tested negative, he decided to put himself in preventive isolation as well. Following this discovery, the W Abu Dhabi and the Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi, both on Yas Island, were put on lockdown. On 7 March, Moldova confirmed its first case, a 48-year-old woman who had returned from Italy. [202][203] Roma Motodays was postponed to 17 to 19 April. Arcuri will cooperate with Commissioner Angelo Borrelli with the aim of strengthening the distribution of intensive care equipment. [532][533], Tunisia – Generali installa scanner tecnici per misurazione febbre", "Coronavirus, il Senato corre ai ripari: scanner termici agli ingressi e stop alle scolaresche", "Alla Fao, obbligatoria la misurazione della febbre all'ingresso", "Il coronavirus non è affatto come l'influenza: ecco il grafico che lo dimostra", "Coronavirus-influenza, differenze enormi: picco dei morti oltre 4 volte superiore", "Italian stocks slump nearly 6% as European equities crumble on spreading coronavirus", "L'assalto ai centralini per la paura coronavirus: 300mila chiamate in un giorno al numero di emergenza della Lombardia", "Codogno, i ribelli della zona rossa: "Violiamo i blocchi per sopravvivere, "Coronavirus: Life around Italy's quarantined 'red zone' | DW | 24 February 2020", "Coronavirus threatens U.S. military base operations in Europe, general says", "Coronavirus: sospesi gli esami per la patente – Lombardia", "Check-point zona rossa,arriva l'Esercito – Cronaca", "Basket: la Fip sospende la serie A, A2, B maschile, A1 e A2 donne – Rai Sport", "Ai tempi del Coronavirus scuole chiuse e lezioni online: "Ecco come ci siamo organizzati per garantire il diritto allo studio, "Coronavirus, lezioni col tablet da casa per gli studenti del Tosi: "La tecnologia ai tempi della quarantena, "Coronavirus, "Confinati sì, isolati no": il racconto dei liceali di Parma dalle loro camere", "Università, lezioni sospese e lauree a porte chiuse", "Goldman, Citi among banks curbing Italy trips over coronavirus fears – sources", "Coronavirus, Salone del Mobile rinviato a giugno", "Coronavirus, Expocasa rinviata, la fiera dell'arredamento si terrà dal 28 marzo al 5 aprile", "Aggiornamenti Corona Virus – Rinvio Manifestazione", "Effetto Coronavirus: rinviato a Roma il Motodays", "Italy probes "insane" prices for coronavirus masks, sanitizers", "Coronavirus, Consiglio superiore sanità: tamponi solo su sintomatici | Sky TG24", "Coronavirus, Manfredi, Università: "Da lunedì lezioni on line per gli studenti delle aree colpite, primo passo verso la normalità" – Coronavirus, Manfredi, Università: "Da lunedì lezioni on line per gli studenti delle aree colpite, primo passo verso la normalità, "Coronavirus: a Napoli scuole chiuse fino a sabato 29 febbraio", "Scuole chiuse fino a lunedì a Palermo e Provincia, arriva l'ordinanza regionale", "Coronavirus: scanner termico all'Unibas – Basilicata", "Coronavirus, sospesi i tirocini di Medicina a Bari. Jul [175][176], On 24 February 500 additional police officers were assigned to patrol the quarantined areas in Lodi and Veneto. A Trani e Bari strade bloccate", "Prison riots hit Italy amid virus; 6 die in overdose", "Coronavirus, rivolta nelle carceri: a Pavia sequestrati 2 agenti. Recevez gratuitement tout l'information de votre région, DIRECT. On 9 January 2020, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) reported the identification of a novel coronavirus (later identified as the SARS-CoV-2) as the cause. A man in Mexico City and a man in Sinaloa were held in isolation at a hospital and a hotel, respectively. The rest of the national territory, where safety and prevention measures are advertised in public places and special sanitisations are performed on means of public transport. The COVID-19 pandemic in Italy is part of the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). [124] On 5 April, Italy had the lowest number of new daily deaths in two and a half weeks,[125] and one day later the lowest number of new daily cases in three weeks. [558] [642] An Italian man living in Montpellier who had just returned from Italy was admitted to Centre Hospitalier Universitaire. Tre detenuti morti a Rieti, le vittime salgono a dodici", "Rivolta in carcere Foggia,alcuni evadono – Cronaca", "Coronavirus, rivolta nelle carceri: a Foggia evasione di massa. [742], New Zealand – | mis à jour à 17:28 It is organised by Koeln Parma Exhibitions, joint venture between Fiere di Parma and Koelnmesse On 14 October, cases of COVID-19 positives exceeded the peak of the March infections. Da marzo ad agosto nel 2020 sono morte 47.000 persone in più della media del 2015-19. [665][666][667][668] On 26 February 2020, a 36-year-old man who had made multiple trips to Lombardy tested positive and was treated at Nouvel Hôpital Civil, Strasbourg. Devant une foule scandant «Quatre ans de plus», dans laquelle les masques étaient rares, il s'est posé, à quatre mois de l'élection présidentielle, en défenseur de «l'intégrité» de son pays. La police arrête une manifestante alors que des militants et membres de diverses tribus de la région ont bloqué la route menant au Mont Rushmore à Keystone le 3 juillet 2020, en marge d'une visite de Donald Trump / AFP. [129], On 4 November 2020, Prime Minister Conte announced a new lockdown, dividing the country into three zones depending on the severity of the pandemic. Pour Electropolis comme pour la Cité du train, le coup est dur à encaisser. [646][647][648], Germany – [348], On 4 March, Thailand declared that people travelling from Italy must be quarantined for 14 days after arriving, with no exceptions. On 25 February, France confirmed that a man from La Balme-de-Sillingy who had returned from a trip to Lombardy on 15 February tested positive and was treated at Centre Hospitalier Annecy-Genevois, Épagny-Metz-Tessy. Così Confartigianato scrive … The woman was treated at a hospital in Genoa. On 28 February, a Finnish woman who had travelled to Northern Italy tested positive at the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District and was placed in home isolation. On 14 February, he felt unwell and went to see a doctor in Castiglione d'Adda. [288], On 15 October 2020, the president of Campania De Luca, closed all schools and universities until 30 October 2020. The new measures banned open-air sports and running, except individually and in close proximity of one's residence. A Bergamo uno su 4 ha gli anticorpi, "Coronavirus, controlli con gli scanner termici negli aeroporti italiani", "Coronavirus: gli aggiornamenti dalla Regione Piemonte", "Prima a Milano, poi l'hotel a Roma: le tappe dei 7 giorni di viaggio della coppia contagiata", "Italian scientists isolate DNA sequence of coronavirus", "Le tre ricercatrici che hanno isolato il Coronavirus allo Spallanzani di Roma", "Italy suspends all China flights as coronavirus cases confirmed in Rome", "Coronavirus, bollettino dello Spallanzani: guarito il ricercatore italiano, verrà dimesso oggi. [120], Two weeks later, the number of new cases per day started to show signs of slowing down, while the number of new deaths rose slightly. [citation needed] With an overall 17,000 sqm exhibiting area, Palaverdi can accommodate up to 4,000 persons in its 5,000 sqm plenary hall. [59][60][61] A 62-year-old man with pre-existing medical conditions from Castiglione d'Adda died in Sant'Anna Hospital in Como. Generali Tower in Milan and Palazzo Madama in Rome installed thermal scanners to measure temperatures of visitors and employees. Quatre décès dus au virus ont été enregistrés ces dernières 24 heures. «Et écoutez les experts, pas ceux qui essayent de nous diviser». Sì al controllo su celle telefoniche ma ci vuole norma, "L'elenco dei comuni in quarantena a causa del coronavirus", "What towns in Italy are on lockdown because of coronavirus? Il Salone del Camper is the reference event for camper lovers and more. Cibus is the reference event of the Made in Italy food sector, a large showcase with international visibility, featuring conferences and round tables on relevant topics for the Food and Retail industry. [120][251], On 11 March, the government allocated 25 billion euros for the emergency. Thanks to the synergy of 12 thematic halls that offer the visitor a complete overview of materials, machines and innovative technologies and to the innovative initiatives such as Digital Factory beyond Automation©, the exhibition represents the Italian way to industry 4.0. These were all linked to the Lombardy cluster. In the textile district of the province of Prato, the Machattie company started production of polypropylene masks in March, and the Dreoni company in Vaiano switched its production from car upholstery to protective masks with certified standard, with the help of the local population (its owner later died of COVID-19). [697], Russia – Publicité [180], Major companies such as IBM, Enel, Luxottica, PwC and Vodafone continued to allow employees to work from home. Thanks to the synergy of 12 thematic halls that offer the visitor a complete overview of materials, machines and innovative technologies and to the innovative initiatives such as Digital Factory beyond Automation©, the exhibition represents the Italian way to industry 4.0. [695] A 38-year-old woman who had returned from Bergamo tested positive was admitted to a hospital in Timișoara. Two more people who had visited the same football game in Milan were hospitalised at the same place. [617], Denmark – Lombardy), official death statistics likely missed a portion of deaths outside hospitals. [172][173][174] Streets, parks and train stations in multiple cities in Lombardy were left deserted. Three of the seven cases in Hungary reported to date are linked to Italy. Politique cookies [686], North Macedonia – [81][318][319] Malta installed thermal-scanning devices to monitor passengers arriving via Malta International Airport, as well as passengers disembarking from vessels at the Grand Harbour and the Virtu Ferries catamaran terminal in Marsa, which had direct connections to Pozzalo and Catania in Sicily. Conte: "Nuove misure, "Coronavirus, a Pavia 8 pazienti ricoverati al San Matteo: anche una coppia di medici", "Negativo al test sul corona virus il contadino di Albettone. [459][456], Some Italian small and medium-sized enterprises partially or totally converted their production to supply personal protective equipment at a local scale. Cosa sappiamo dei nuovi contagi in Lombardia, Veneto e Piemonte", "Coronavirus. Isolata la comitiva", "Il coronavirus arriva a Palermo: turista di Bergamo positiva ai primi test", "Coronavirus Toscana, niente panico: ecco cosa fare", "Le ultime notizie sul coronavirus in Italia", "Coronavirus, ad Alassio il primo caso in Liguria, interdetti due alberghi, il secondo caso a Spezia", "Coronavirus, dodicesima vittima in Italia. Numero verde 800033033", "Coronavirus: 23 contagiati in Emilia Romagna. On 28 February, a 27-year-old man from Aragon with a history of recent trips to Milan tested positive. A 4-year-old girl from Castiglione d'Adda was admitted to Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia, and a 15-year-old was hospitalised in Seriate Hospital in Bergamo. [252] In the evening, Conte announced a tightening of the lockdown, with all commercial and retail businesses except those providing essential services, like grocery shops and pharmacies, closed down. [475][476], On 9 April, after two meetings of the Eurogroup, the ministers of Finances of the Eurozone countries agreed to €500 billion aid, including the possibility of using the ESM, but without common debt instruments. The post, which reached global notoriety, contained a photo of her bruised face from wearing unfit masks and hazmat goggles, and stated that "the protective devices are bad." [562][563][564] On 28 February, his wife also tested positive. Post-mortem tests are routinely carried out, and there is no distinction between people who died "with" or "of" coronavirus, including patients with pre-existing conditions,[506] which make up 96% of the total death count. The keynotes scheduled for the two days will open the debate and stimulate thoughts on upcoming trends for this new decade in the automotive industry at large. This page was last edited on 18 November 2020, at 01:34. Health officials in the US military began "a thorough contact investigation" to determine if any other person may have been exposed to the virus. [123], Three weeks into the lockdown, its effects began to show. Pronto nuovo piano d'urgenza per terapie intensive", "Coronavirus, Emilia Romagna: positivo l'assessore regionale alla Sanità Donini", "Coronavirus: Italy extends emergency measures nationwide", "Coronavirus, a Vo' Euganeo nessun nuovo caso positivo", "Game Zero: Spread of virus linked to Champions League match", "Coronavirus, primi casi a Firenze e a Palermo. [486][487] The suspension was later extended, with the agreement of the national government, up to 8 March in Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, and Veneto.         Mont Rushmore (Etats-Unis) (AFP) -  May [676], Latvia – [381] President of Lombardy Attilio Fontana and Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio expressed their gratitude for the aid. Ce mercredi, les grandes surfaces n'ont plus le droit de vendre de produits "non essentiels", en guise de mesure d'équité avec les commerces indépendants qui n'ont plus le droit d'ouvrir. [454] On 21 March, the government issued the shutdown of all non-essential businesses, industries, and economic activities. [66][67][68] On the same day, a 76-year-old woman with pre-existing medical conditions died in Treviso. ■ 12 h 20. On 2 March, Jordan confirmed that a man who had returned from Italy two weeks earlier had tested positive, with other potential cases under observation. He had been staying in Norway for 14 days and had returned to Florence five days before becoming ill.[105][106], The passenger ferry GNV Rhapsody was placed under isolation in the port of Genoa with 58 crew members on board after a passenger tested positive for the virus after having sailed to Tunisia on the ship. En plein débat sur les symboles de l'Histoire du pays, et alors que des statues de généraux confédérés ont été mises à terre par des manifestants antiracistes, il a dénoncé "une campagne visant à effacer notre histoire, diffamer nos héros, supprimer nos valeurs et endoctriner nos enfants". Erano già in pensione: tornano quattro dottori, hanno tra i 65 e i 71 anni", "Coronavirus, arrivano i medici pensionati", "Sono le Venti (Nove), un medico pensionato richiamato in servizio per il coronavirus: "L'etica viene prima. On 28 February 2020, Georgia confirmed that a 31-year-old Georgian woman who had travelled to Italy tested positive and was admitted to Infectious Diseases Hospital in Tbilisi. [631], Finland – Mecfor is the new B2B event organized by Fiere di Parma, the long-standing partner of companies that want to achieve their objectives by combining tradition and innovation, and CEU -Ucimu Exhibition Centre - organizer of leading machine tools and metalworking international trade shows. Nov [323][324][325] Bulgaria suspended all flights to and from Milan until 27 March. Portez un masque. [141][142], People with symptoms were advised to call the 112 emergency number, instead of going directly to hospitals, in an effort to limit the disease's spread. [212], The Italian Winter Sports Federation decided to proceed with the Women's World Cup alpine skiing races at La Thuile, Aosta Valley on 29 February. [270], On 8 April, a government's decree closed all Italian ports until 31 July, stating that they do not ensure the necessary requirements for the classification and definition of "safe place", established by the Hamburg Rules on maritime search and rescue. [704][705][706][707] [722][723] [713] A 22-year-old man from Barcelona who travelled to Milan between 22 and 25 February tested positive and was admitted to Hospital Clínic. [220] Messina closed all schools from 29 February to 3 March. On 28 February, Wales reported its first case, a patient who had returned from northern Italy was treated at a specialist unit in England. [578] On 11 March, Zhengzhou, Henan confirmed the first imported case, who stay in Italy. [234] Civil and religious ceremonies, including funeral ceremonies, were suspended. ■ 7 h. Bonjour à tous : suivez ici, tout au long de ce mercredi, l'actualité liée à l'épidémie de coronavirus en Alsace. [213] The MIDO Milan Eyewear Show was rescheduled to 5 to 7 July. Many residents of those areas work in the grey economy and are therefore not eligible for unemployment benefits. Quelques minutes avant l'arrivée d'Air Force One, l'université Johns Hopkins, qui fait référence, a annoncé que les Etats-Unis avaient enregistré vendredi 57.683 nouvelles infections dues au coronavirus en 24 heures. [653] Away from metropolitan chaos and easily accessible from the principal highways of Northern Italy. Le milliardaire, qui laisse son vice-président Mike Pence en première ligne face au spectaculaire rebond de l'épidémie, n'a pas caché son enthousiasme pour cet événement auquel des milliers de personnes ont assisté dans une ambiance estivale, sous un ciel sans nuages. Former president of the European Commission Donald Tusk said that the risk for the European Union is greater than the European debt crisis of 2009, and that despite the fact that EU aid to Italy is greater than from other countries, its perception is crucial. South Africa announced that its first seven confirmed cases were South African residents returning from Italy. You can expect thousands of precious but also curious proposals. Chiese aperte ma Messe sospese. [179] Filming of Mission: Impossible 7 starring Tom Cruise in Venice was halted. Votre mot de passe doit comporter au moins 6 caractères, sans espace. [81] General Tod D. Walters issued a travel ban covering the areas of Italy affected by the outbreak for US service members and their families. Armenia confirmed that three cases were imported from Italy on 12 March. More than 9,000 parking spaces. Le tempétueux milliardaire s'est exprimé sous le regard de quatre de ses lointains prédécesseurs, taillés dans le granit, dont il a longuement fait l'éloge: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt et Abraham Lincoln. [495] In the towns of Seriate and Bergamo, the Italian Army has volunteered to transport some of these coffins from churches and morgues to cemeteries and crematoriums in other provinces. [314] Following the discovery of a case involving an Italian citizen, the H10 Costa Adeje Palace in Tenerife was put on lockdown. On 25 February, Austria confirmed its first two cases, a man and a woman who had visited their hometown in Bergamo, tested positive and were treated at a hospital in Innsbruck, Tyrol. «Vaincre ce virus demandera la mobilisation de tous. Italy will lock down six regions and prevent many people from crossing between them. [632] Des partisans de Donald Trump à Keystone le 3 juillet 2020 / AFP. [48] Including the 78-year-old man who died in Veneto, the number of cases in Italy rose to 79. [199] Bologna Children's Book Fair was rescheduled to 4 to 7 May. The fuselage of the plane also carried a message for the nation, which read: "From Russia with Love". [679][680], Malta – [693], Portugal – [143] The Ministry of Health provided a website and a direct line (1500) from which people could obtain the latest updates and information, as well as report suspected cases. [689] A 25-year-old man returning from a holiday in Italy also tested positive in Asturias. On 28 February, a man who had returned from a ski holiday in Northern Italy on 15 February tested positive in Copenhagen and was placed in home quarantine. [216] D'Annunzio University suspended all activities until 29 February. A Mulhouse, les musées ont dû refermer leurs portes. [320] Prague International Airport introduced special arrival gates for selective screening of passengers arriving on flights from Italy. [36] The government also introduced thermal scanners and temperature checks on international passengers arriving at Italian airports. for any information about Mercanteinfiera: : for any information about Salone del Camper: : for any information about events and conferences: : to contact Management and/or Presidency: . [103] On 26 February, one of the people with whom he had interacted in Romania tested positive. votre numéro d’abonné dans les paramètres de création de compte. Venturi was the regional minister of health until February 2020. Virus: la vaccination en ligne de mire face à l'explosion de la... Grèce: la police disperse la commémoration du soulèvement étudiant... Ethiopie: l'ONU s'inquiète d'une crise humanitaire "à grande... Sarkozy, Poutine, Merkel: les dirigeants vus par Obama. [716] [383], On 24 March, Germany took in six coronavirus patients from the Bergamo hospital to be treated in Saxony. [323][635][636] His wife also tested positive and was admitted to the same hospital. Suspiciuni despre un al doilea caz în Gorj", "Coronavirus in Toscana: quattro positivi, altri due casi di contagio a Firenze / Diretta", "Norwegian student tests positive for coronavirus in Italy", "Coronavirus, Zingaretti positivo: sto bene, sono in isolamento. On 27 February, a couple who tested positive and their two children who were showing symptoms were admitted to Kaiser-Franz-Josef Hospital. [21] Due to the limited number of tests performed, the real number of infected people in Italy, as in other countries, is estimated to be higher than the official count. [474] In subsequent conference calls between the leaders of the EU member states, the proposal saw the opposition of the Netherlands and Germany. Infections et décès par jour dus aux coronavirus aux États-Unis, moyenne glissante sur 7 jours, au 3 juillet / AFP. [488], On 4 March, the government announced the closure of all schools and colleges until 15 March. [88], On 26 February, a woman who had returned from Milan in the days before the emergency in Lombardy had started tested positive for the virus in Catania, Sicily. Salgono a 206 in Lombardia e 38 in Veneto", "Coronavirus, il paziente 1 in Romagna è un cuoco riminese. Al governo chiederò di estenderlo a tutti”. [580] On 13 March, Shanghai confirmed four more imported cases. An innovative online platform designed for international operators to facilitate the matching between trade operators and the Authentic Italian Food, From 25 to 27 February 2021, Fiere di Parma will feature the new b2b show organized in partnership with Ceu Ucimu dedicated to manufacturing&subcontracting mechanics industry, Fiere di Parma S.p.a. | Viale delle Esposizioni, 393A | 43126 Parma (Italy) Ma molti Paesi prendono misure", "Kuwait suspends flights to and from South Korea, Thailand, Italy over coronavirus fears", "Coronavirus, ecco gli Stati dove gli italiani non-possono viaggiare o hanno restrizioni", "The US is telling Americans with preexisting conditions to avoid trips to Italy", "Coronavirus: Deloitte Malta asks staff returning from Italy to work from home", "European Parliament cancels internships for people from coronavirus affected areas", "A growing list of US colleges are canceling study abroad programs because of the coronavirus", "Spain issues travel warning for Italy over coronavirus outbreak as it steps up protocols", "El Salvador bars visitors from Italy and South Korea, citing coronavirus", "Ireland v Italy in Six Nations postponed and may be cancelled due to coronavirus", "Israeli diagnosed with virus after Italy trip; visitors from there to be barred", "Dozens of travelers from Italy refused entry to Israel", "Coronavirus confirmed in Israeli who returned from Italy", "Cruise ship MSC Meraviglia turned away from two Caribbean ports amid coronavirus concerns", "Mexican port denies cruise ship permission to dock over coronavirus fears", "MSC cruise ship docks in Mexico following coronavirus scare; company says ill crew member diagnosed with flu", "Cruise ship docks at Mexico's Cozumel amid virus fears", "Cruise Ship With Sick Passengers Denied to Dock in the British Virgin Islands", "Italian cruise ship blocked from Tortola berths in St Maarten", "Final UAE Tour stages called off after two coronavirus cases confirmed", "Germany enacts new health security measures against coronavirus infections", "Coronavirus in Italy – Warning – Level 3, Avoid Nonessential Travel – Travel Health Notices | Travelers' Health | CDC", "Amazon defers 'non-essential' moves even in U.S. as corporate travel bans spread", "Advisory: Travel and Visa restrictions related to COVID-19", "Update – Coronavirus: Romania suspends flights, buses, and trains to Italy, additional measures in place", "Slowenien kündigt Schließung der Grenze zu Italien an", "Österreich will Einreisen aus Italien weitgehend stoppen", "Updated: FG places travel ban on China, Italy, US, UK, nine others", "Italy criticises EU for being slow to help over coronavirus epidemic", "Italian ambassador to the EU: Italy needs Europe's help", "Italy shuts all retailers except food stores and pharmacies", "Covid-19: Economic downturn worsens old EU splits", "For Help On Coronavirus, Italy Turns To China, Russia And Cuba", "Coronavirus, le mascherine destinate a Roma e al Lazio bloccate in Polonia", "Coronavirus: Cisl, 1 mln mascherine per Trentino bloccate", "Coronarivus, 200 mila mascherine per gli ospedali italiani bloccate ad Ankara da 15 giorni", "Confiscated face masks imported by an influential Chinese representative in Czechia", "Coronavirus, stop export of masks: Germany "suffocates" Italy", "Coronavirus, Germany asphyxiates Italy on masks? [269], On 7 April, after more than a month of suspension, the Italian Basketball Federation officially ended the 2019–20 LBA season, without assigning the title. [304] Of the 212 passengers, 172 were allowed to disembark while 40 passengers from Lombardy and Veneto decided to go back to Italy. Consternation à l'UE après les veto hongrois et polonais, Le Pérou a un nouveau président après une semaine de chaos politique. [250] In the evening, Conte announced in a press conference that all measures previously applied only in the so-called "red zones" had been extended to the whole country, putting approximately 60 million people in lockdown. [221], On 28 February, during an interview with Rai News24, Professor Massimo Galli from the Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan suggested that the majority of newly recorded cases were pre-existing cases that were finally detected during the extensive tests performed on people (and their relatives) who had come in contact with confirmed patients. [692], Poland – On 3 March, Estonia confirmed its second case, a patient who had arrived on 29 February from Bergamo and was travelling through Riga Airport. – VAT 00162790349 04 nov. 2020 à 07:00 The Romanian man was admitted to National Institute of Infectious Diseases Prof. Dr. Matei Balș in Bucharest. Mecfor is the new B2B event organized by Fiere di Parma, the long-standing partner of companies that want to achieve their objectives by combining tradition and innovation, and CEU -Ucimu Exhibition Centre - organizer of leading machine tools and metalworking international trade shows. È la quarta volta nella storia", "La Scala chiusa per il coronavirus: in più di due secoli era accaduto soltanto sei volte", "Cosa è aperto, cosa no? In early March cases in several states with travel history to Italy were identified. Sette regioni coinvolte per 30 milioni di italiani", "Coronavirus, il ministero della Salute ha aggiornato la circolare con le nuove disposizioni: analisi in 31 laboratori", "Coronavirus, Speranza nomina Walter Ricciardi come consigliere e alle Regioni dice: "No a scelte unilaterali, "Coronavirus Italia: Enel ricorre allo smart working. [94] Governor Stefano Bonaccini and the other members of the regional government tested negative. [62] Lombardy governor Attilio Fontana announced that the number of cases in Lombardy had risen to 172, with a total of 229 confirmed in Italy. [357][358][359], The lack of masks became an issue during the peak of the emergency, partly because of the requisitions of imported goods bought by Italy in transport hubs in other countries such as Poland[360] and Turkey. [681], Moldova – [129] On 23 October, De Luca announced a regional lockdown, imposing restrictions to all not essential movements as well as a curfew. [472] The Italian National Mint and Printing House used the plastic film applied to identity cards to produce face shields.

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