andrea mantegna scheda

Italian painter; born according to some authorities, at Vicenza, Andrea Mantegna (UK: /mænˈtɛnjə/, US: /mɑːnˈteɪnjə/,[2][3] Italian: [anˈdrɛːa manˈteɲɲa]; c. 1431 – September 13, 1506) was an Italian painter, a student of Roman archeology, and son-in-law of Jacopo Bellini. By these frescoes, which attest a die beeld van die heilige Jakobus, is die San Zeno Altaarstuk in ongeveer 1455 geskilder, dit wil sê nie lank nadat die Jakobus-siklus voltooi is nie (en gebruik dit baie van dieselfde tegnieke, waaronder 'n argitektoniese struktuur gebaseer op die klassieke oudheid.). He holds an MA in Political Philosophy and is the Publishing Director at AHE. Dit wil voorkom asof Mantegna beïnvloed is deur die strengheid van sy ou leermeester, alhoewel sy latere onderwerpe, byvoorbeeld dié uit die legende van Sint Christopher, sy beeldhoustyl met 'n groter gevoel van naturalisme kombineer. He resided at first from time to time at Goito, but, from December 1466 onwards, he moved with his family to Mantua. The road, although not visible in its entirety, is another convincing link between each area of action. to show that his artistic education began very early, for he was In 1508 CE the Pope commissioned the celebrated Florentine sculptor... During the Renaissance, most works of fine art were commissioned... Venetian Painting in the Fifteenth Century, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. is a platform for academics to share research papers. The head of the family at that time and the Marquis of Mantua was Ludovico Gonzaga (l. 1412-1478 CE), a man famed for his knowledge and support of the arts. Related Content These works established his fame as the His special interests include pottery, architecture, world mythology and discovering the ideas that all civilizations share in common. is a platform for academics to share research papers. His engagement was for a salary of 75 lire a month, a sum so large for that period as to mark conspicuously the high regard in which his art was held. Sy bekendste werk is die Camera degli Sposi (“Kamer van die Bruid en Bruidegom”), of Camera Picta (“Geverfde Kamer”) (1474) in die Palazzo Ducale van Mantua. In 1516, a handsome monument was set up to him by his sons in the church of Sant'Andrea, where he had painted the altarpiece of the mortuary chapel. editor of the New Advent Catholic Website. The most dramatic work of the fresco cycle was the work set in the worm's-eye view perspective, St. James Led to His Execution. achievement must have exhibited almost incredible maturity of Mantegna was no less eminent as an engraver, though his history in that respect is somewhat obscure, partly because he never signed or dated any of his plates, but for a single disputed instance of 1472. Thanks to your help we can improve the quality of the information provided by Weagoo, LOCAL LANGUAGE NAME: Palazzo Andrea Mantegna, ADDRESS: Via Indipendenza, 37-39 - 35013 - Cittadella - PD - Italy. daughter, Nicolosia, Mantegna married in 1454. Mantegna's earliest Among the other early Mantegna frescoes are the two saints over the entrance porch of the church of Sant'Antonio in Padua, 1452, and the 1453 San Luca Altarpiece, with St. Luke and other saints, for the church of S. Giustina and now in the Brera Gallery in Milan. Andrea Mantegna, (1431, Isola di Cartura naby Vicenza, Republiek Venesië, Italië - 13 September 1506, Mantua) was ‘n skilder en gravis en die eerste Renaissance kunstenaar van Noord-Italië. Another common feature of Mantegna’s work is his frequent use of ancient Roman sculpture and architecture as a setting for his innovative presentation of familiar religious and mythological subjects. Mantegna was destyds na bewering 'n gunsteling-leerling van Squarcione, wat hom Latyn geleer het en hom opdrag gegee het om fragmente van Romeinse beeldhouwerk te bestudeer. Returned to Mantua in 1490, he embraced again his more literary and bitter vision of antiquity, and entered in strong connection with the new Marchesa, the cultured and intelligent Isabella d'Este. Athena/Minerva is assisted by Diana and Chastity, and she appears fully armed from the left, wearing a yellow robe. In the preliminary sketch, the perspective is less developed and closer to a more average viewpoint however. His manner has been called dry Die teks is beskikbaar onder die lisensie. In terms of painting, Mantegna’s clever yet playful ceiling in the Palazzo Ducale would be imitated by such Renaissance artists as Raphael (1483-1520 CE) and Correggio (1489-1534 CE), and later painters of the Baroque style. Dido. (For an example of Mantegna's use of a lowered viewpoint, see the image at right of Saints Peter and Paul; though much less dramatic in its perspective than the St. James picture, the San Zeno altarpiece was around 1455 not long after the St. James cycle was finished, and uses many of the same techniques, including an architectural structure based on Classical antiquity.). Bellini also possessed a great number of sketches of antiquities such as sculpture, funerary altars, coins and inscriptions. according to others at Padua, in 1431, died at Mantua, 13 , VAT n. 07151620965. Several of his engravings are supposed to be executed on some metal less hard than copper. The Virtue painting is packed full of imagery with Aphrodite/Venus shown keeping captive Virtue and standing near a loathsome swamp inhabited by eight vices (some of which are labelled): Sloth, Ingratitude, Ignorance, Avarice, Hate, Suspicion, Fraud, and Malice. Transcribed by Michael C. Tinkler. Only printing and consultation in this site are allowed. Other members of the Gonzaga family also appear on the walls of the chamber, as do episodes from the lives of such heroes of Greek mythology as Hercules and Orpheus. Altesaam 137 skilders en beeldende studente het aan die skool van Squarcione, wat omstreeks 1440 tot stand gekom het en wat oral in Italië bekend was, gestudeer. [8] Leonardo da Vinci took from Mantegna the use of decorations with festoons and fruit. with only spasmodic liberality, his salary being irregularly paid. Sy bekendste werk is die Camera degli Sposi (“Kamer van die Bruid en Bruidegom”), of Camera Picta (“Geverfde Kamer”) (1474) in die Palazzo Ducale van Mantua. Een van sy grootste doelstellings was optiese illusie, wat uitgevoer is deur 'n bemeestering van perspektief wat, alhoewel dit nie altyd wiskundig korrek is nie, 'n verstommende uitwerking op sy tydgenote gehad het. CITTA: Cittadella. These paintings were dispersed in the following years: one of them, the legend of the God Comus, was left unfinished by Mantegna and completed by his successor as court painter in Mantua, Lorenzo Costa. This palace is the new town hall and is the most obvious symbol of Cittadella's modern architecture. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. [7], His Mantuan masterpiece was painted for the court of Mantua, in the apartment of the Castle of the city, today known as Camera degli Sposi (literally, "Wedding Chamber") of Palazzo Ducale, Mantua: a series of full compositions in fresco including various portraits of the Gonzaga family and some figures of genii and others.[7]. The artist worked on these scenes showing the lives of Saint James and Saint Christopher from 1449 to 1456 CE, but only two panels survive today in Venice. or by any legitimate owners of the materials published and / or used in this site. These were "The : #11201. Among the principal examples are: Battle of the Sea Monsters[permanent dead link], Virgin and Child[permanent dead link], a Bacchanal Festival, Hercules and Antaeus, Marine Gods, Judith with the Head of Holofernes, the Deposition from the Cross, the Entombment, the Resurrection, the Man of Sorrows, the Virgin in a Grotto, and several scenes from the Triumph of Julius Caesar after his paintings. Padua het nie slegs kunstenaars van Veneto gelok nie, maar ook van Toskane, soos Paolo Uccello, Filippo Lippi en Donatello; Mantegna se vroeë loopbaan is gevorm deur sy kennis van Florentynse werke. His preferred subjects were mythology and religious scenes which are presented in his "brilliantly hard, linear style and bright non-atmospheric colour" (Hale, 199). Andrea Mantegna (c. 1431-1506 CE) was an Italian Renaissance artist most famous for his use of foreshortening and other perspective techniques in engravings, paintings, and frescoes. known work, a "Madonna in Glory", was painted when he was Cartwright, M. (2020, September 11). He was in fact the first painter of any eminence to be based in Mantua. Western Art. and hard, but he exhibits marvellous art in his modelling of form Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and Michigan State University and University of Missouri. The artist’s love of classical architecture finds expression in the ordered arches which enclose this battle between good and evil. For more information please download The work began in 1465 CE and took an unusually long nine years to complete. As many as 137 painters and pictorial students passed through Squarcione's school, which had been established around 1440 and which became famous all over Italy. The difficult situation of the aged master and connoisseur required the hard necessity of parting with a beloved antique bust of Faustina.[7]. Cite This Work The tempera on panel painting shows all the elements that would become Mantegna’s hallmark: dramatic foreshortening of foreground figures, various perspective effects, a mixture of contemporary and classical architectural details, and an uncluttered overall composition. Andrea Mantegna (UK: / m æ n ˈ t ɛ n j ə /, US: / m ɑː n ˈ t eɪ n j ə /, Italian: [anˈdrɛːa manˈteɲɲa]; c. 1431 – September 13, 1506) was an Italian painter, a student of Roman archeology, and son-in-law of Jacopo Bellini. The coordinator is Kevin Knight, Another common feature of Mantegna’s work is his frequent use of ancient Roman sculpture and architecture as a setting for his innovative presentation of familiar religious and mythological subjects. Dieselfde jaar is hy saam met Nicolò Pizolo versoek om saam met 'n groot groep skilders te werk wat met die dekorasie van die Ovetari-kapel in die transep van die Kerk van die Eremitani toevertrou is. Around 1460 CE, Mantegna was employed by the powerful Gonzaga family of Mantua to become their court artist. Collection. In terms of Classical taste, Mantegna distanced all contemporary competition. KELLY | Irondale, AL 35210 |. This series of frescoes, including a noted Baptism of Christ, was later destroyed by Pius VI in 1780. Around 1460 CE, Mantegna was employed by the powerful Gonzaga family of Mantua to become their court artist. painting, possessed but mediocre ability. He had been fond of his fellow pupils in Padua: and with two of them, Dario da Trevigi and Marco Zoppo, he retained steady friendships. Andrea Mantegna (c. 1431-1506 CE) was an Italian Renaissance artist most famous for his use of foreshortening and other perspective techniques in engravings, paintings, and frescoes. In the first, the prints have been produced using a roller, or even by hand pressing, and they are weak in tint; in the second, a printing press has been used, and the ink is stronger.[7]. In 1453 Jacopo consented to a marriage between Nicolosia and Mantegna. Alhoewel hy suksesvol was en bewonder is, het Mantegna Padua op 'n vroeë ouderdom verlaat en nooit weer daarheen teruggekeer nie; die vyandigheid van Squarcione is al as een van die hoofoorsake geïdentifiseer. Daarom het hy met 'n groot mate van presisie die buitelyne van sy figure geskets, wat in die geheel die gevolg het dat Mantegna se werk na rigiditeit en styfheid neig; welke sy figure vooropstel. foremost painter of the Paduan school, and among those who The gilded frame of the altarpiece is avant-garde with its classical columns and pedestals. Next came The Agony in the Garden, produced c. 1455 CE to c. 1460 CE and showing Jesus Christ at the moment of his arrest. It was probably the first good example of Renaissance art in Verona, and inspired a similar painting by the Veronese artist Girolamo dai Libri. Mantegna had also shown the way in his use of dramatic foreshortening, creating an effect of surprise on the viewer that artists would strive for ever after. This is now considered most unlikely as it would consign all the numerous and elaborate engravings made by Mantegna to the last sixteen or seventeen years of his life, which seems a brief period for them. "Andrea Mantegna." All the while, he continued undertaking works on commission, to which his pupils, no less than himself, contributed.[4]. The work, showing Julius Caesar’s triumphant return to Rome after defeating the Gauls, was originally meant to be transferred into frescoes within a theatre in the Palazzo Ducale but the project was never realised. Mantegna’s first work of note was the production of a series of frescoes in the Ovetari chapel of the Eremitani church of Padua. The dedication, written in carved Roman letters on a gold plaque above the room’s doorway reads: For the illustrious Ludovico, second Marchese of Mantua, best of princes and most unvanquished in faith, and for his illustrious wife Barbara, incomparable glory of womanhood, his Andrea Mantegna of Padua completed this slight work in the year 1474 CE. Mantegna se enigste bekende beeldhouwerk is 'n "Sant'Eufemia" in die Katedraal van Irsina, Basilicata. He owed little of what he knew to his foster- This article is part of the Catholic Encyclopedia Project, an The now critical Squarcione carped about the earlier works of this series, illustrating the life of St James; he said the figures were like men made of stone, and should have been painted stone color. The room is covered with imaginative frescoes inspired by episodes from his patron’s life. After the death of his wife, Mantegna became at an advanced age the father of an illegitimate son, Giovanni Andrea; and, finally, although he continued embarking on various expenses and schemes, he had serious tribulations, such as the banishment from Mantua of his son Francesco, who had incurred the displeasure of the Marchese. Ancient History Encyclopedia. B.M. Dit is nog nooit bevestig dat hy ook in Venesië en Florence gewoon het nie. In what was now his city he went on with the nine tempera pictures of the Triumphs of Caesar, which he had probably begun before his leaving for Rome, and which he finished around 1492. It was used as a warehouse and part school until the first world war, when it was transformed into a field hospital and later into a town hall. The other painters commissioned by Isabella for her studiolo were Perugino and Correggio. Hierdie reeks is byna geheel en al vernietig tydens die geallieerde bomaanvalle in 1944 van Padua. marquess's victory at Fornovo. The use of perspective by artists like Mantegna was an important part of the early Renaissance movement where artists were now being recognised not only as mere craftsmen but also intellectuals capable of studying the past and using precise scientific and mathematical methods to achieve certain effects in their work. As a result, the painter exercised precision in outline, privileging the figure. Other works of this period include the Madonna of the Caves, the St. Sebastian and the famous Lamentation over the Dead Christ, probably painted for his personal funerary chapel. decorate the Church of the Eremitani, Padua, and he had deputed a Other later works include the Madonna della Victoria which was made to commemorate the 1495 CE victory of Mantua (and allies) over French forces and which is now in the Louvre, Paris. The Agony painting, now in the National Gallery, London, is particularly interesting because the artist has achieved a sense of depth without using any straight lines, a trick then commonly employed by contemporaries to draw the eye of the viewer into the painting. edition on the World Wide Web. Virtue Triumphant over Vice by Mantegnaby Andrea Mantegna (Public Domain). Giovanni Bellini, in his earlier works, obviously followed the lead of his brother-in-law Andrea. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. Squarcione, who became Andrea’s adoptive father, was a noted artist in his own right, and he had a large workshop and impressive collection of ancient Greek and Roman art, two essentials for any ambitious Renaissance artist. ADDRESS: Via Indipendenza, 37-39 - 35013 - Cittadella - PD - Italy. Title. longer in existence, but to judge from his next dated work, a Padua attracted artists not only from the Veneto but also from Tuscany, such as Paolo Uccello, Filippo Lippi and Donatello; Mantegna's early career was shaped by impressions of Florentine works. Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. The real wonder, though, is when one looks up. Cartwright, Mark. Mantegna's only known sculpture is a Sant'Eufemia in the Cathedral of Irsina, Basilicata. Andrea Mantegna. Everything tends to show that his artistic education began very early, for he was at work upon … his return to Mantua in 1490 he continued this, the greatest of The house can still be seen today, although the pictures no longer survive. To the last period of Copyright © 2020 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. Alhoewel dit baie minder dramaties is wat die perspektief daarvan betref as bv. By 1488 CE Mantegna’s fame had reached the ears of the Pope, and he was commissioned to produce frescoes in the Vatican’s Chapel of the Belvedere. The ten years that followed were not happy ones for Mantegna and Mantua: Mantegna grew irritable, his son Bernardino died, as well as the Marchese Ludovico, his wife Barbara and his successor Federico (who had dubbed Mantegna cavaliere, "knight" ). Andrea Mantegna Padua 1431 – Mantua 1506. Early and influential art historians such as Baldassare Castiglione (1478-1529 CE) noted that Mantegna was right up there with Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 CE), Michelangelo (1475-1564 CE), and Raphael (1483-1520 CE) as the very best of the Renaissance artists, a position he continues to enjoy today. The sketch for the St. Stephen fresco survived and is the earliest known preliminary sketch which still survives to compare with the corresponding fresco. Gallery, the "Dead Christ", in the Brera, Milan and "The Triumph Milan Squarcione had been commissioned by the Ovetari family to Amongst other works, Mantegna was commissioned to decorate the interior of the Castello di San Giorgio, a part of the impressive Gonzaga palace, the Palazzo Ducale. Ondanks die outentieke klassieke voorkoms daarvan, is dit nie 'n afskrif van enige bekende Romeinse struktuur nie. Weagoo is a registered trademark of weagoo s.r.l. Squarcione, whose original profession was tailoring, appears to have had a remarkable enthusiasm for ancient art, and a faculty for acting. If you would like to There is the illusion of arched vaults with rich stucco work, and within each diamond space is a bust of a Roman emperor, each within a circle of laurel leaves. His best known surviving work is the Camera degli Sposi (“Room of the Bride and Groom”), or Camera Picta (“Painted Room”) (1474), in the Palazzo Ducale of Mantua, for which he developed a self-consistent illusion of a … Hampton Court, which he had begun soon after his arrival in art and letters did so much to make the Renaissance what it was. Martineau, Jane (red. recognized and applauded his genius was Jacopo Bellini, whose Of particular note is the artist’s treatment of the Camera degli Sposi ('bridal chamber' but known simply as the camera picta or ‘painted chamber’ at that time) which Ludovico used as his bedroom. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2020) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. This was the first ceiling of the Renaissance period that created the illusion one is in a completely different kind of room than one actually is. Soprintendente dell'Opificio delle Pietre Dure-Firenze / Isabella Lapi Ballerini --Soprintendente per i Beni Storici Artistici ed Etnoantropologici delle province di Verona, Rovigo e Vicenza / Fabrizio Magani --Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Verona / Erminia Perbellini --Vescovo di Verona / Giuseppe Zenti --Direttore Ufficio Arte Sacra della Diocesi di Verona / Don Tiziano Brusco --Momenti di un restauro / … Mantegna is opgelei in die bewerking van marmer, en het verklaar dat hy antieke kuns as superieur tot die naturalistiese skool beskou, synde dat dit volgens hom oor 'n meer eklektiese vorm beskik. Though substantially related to the 15th century, his influence on the style and trends of his age was very marked over Italian art generally. Mark is a history writer based in Italy. The facade and the antique building date back to the 1500's and were inaugurated by Vittorio Emanuele II in person towards the end of the nineteenth century. Die tekening is bewys daarvan dat naakfigure - wat later as gekleed geverf is - gebruik is tydens die konsepsie van werke gedurende die Vroeë Renaissance. He was held in great honour but treated Fiatalon a festészet egyik legnagyobb megújítója, élete alkonyán pedig már a végleg letűnt kor képviselője volt. Today, these panels are in Hampton Court in London after they were bought by Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649 CE). Mantegna never changed the manner which he had adopted in Padua, though his coloring—at first neutral and undecided—strengthened and matured. Mantegna, thus, combined an admiration of classical art with the elements of Roman architecture and sculpture he knew so well from Squarcione’s workshop to become a Renaissance master. last-named being finished by Lorenzo Costa. -------------------------------------------------------, EWTN | 5817 Old Leeds Rd. In 1485 Mantegna was ordered by Gonzaga to paint a Madonna for Only with the election of Francesco II of the House of Gonzaga did artistic commissions in Mantua recommence. 1920.104, This website uses cookies in order to optimize your browsing experience and for promotional purposes. Dit was waarskynlik die eerste goeie voorbeeld van Renaissance-kuns in Verona, en die inspirasie agter 'n soortgelyke skildery deur die Veronese kunstenaar Girolamo dai Libri. Camera degli Sposi, Palazzo Ducale Mantuaby Web Gallery of Art (Public Domain). Campbell, Angela and Raftery, Andrew. Retrieved from Andrea Mantegna was born in Isola di Cartura near Padua in northern Italy around 1431 CE. Unfortunately, these frescoes were later destroyed although the ‘cartoon’ sketches survive. Daar is regdeur sy werke meer balansering van kleur as fynheid van toon te bespeur. [7] Albrecht Dürer was influenced by his style during his two trips in Italy, reproducing several of his engravings. This brought about New Advent, Inc. Taken from the New Advent Web Page ( Isabella's mother, the Duchess of Ferrara, to do which he Another feature of the frescoes which would have surprised viewers at the time is Mantegna’s decision to show some scenes as if being viewed from below, a sort of ‘worm’s-eye’ view of the events. Mantegna was born in Isola di Carturo, Venetian Republic close to Padua (now Italy), second son of a carpenter, Biagio. Neither Mantegna or his workshop are now believed to have produced the so-called Mantegna Tarocchi cards. [1], Mantegna is gebore in Isola di Carturo, Republiek Venesië naby Padua (nou Italië) as die tweede seun van 'n timmerman genaamd Biagio. Starting from the faint cupola of the Camera degli Sposi, Correggio built on the research of his master and collaborator into perspective constructions, eventually producing a masterwork like the dome of Cathedral of Parma. ), Suzanne Boorsch (red.). Dimensions. Encyclopedia Press, Inc. Electronic version copyright © 1996 by The Madonna is here depicted with various saints, the archangel Michael and St. Maurice holding her mantle, which is extended over the kneeling Francesco Gonzaga, amid a profusion of rich festooning and other accessories. Mantegna het egter op 17-jarige leeftyd Squarcione se werkswinkel verlaat. The drawing shows proof that nude figures—which were later painted as clothed—were used in the conception of works during the Early Renaissance. In die voorlopige skets is die perspektief minder ontwikkel en egter nader aan die van 'n meer gemiddelde perspektief. LOCAL LANGUAGE NAME: Palazzo Andrea Mantegna. Battle of the Sea Gods by Mantegnaby (Public Domain). To learn more, please see our policy on the protection of personal Iinformation. All rights reserved. Italian painter; born according to some authorities, at Vicenza, according to others at Padua, in 1431, died at Mantua, 13 September, 1506. Andrea Mantegna, 1480 Canvas, 255 x 140 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris St. Sebastian: Andrea Mantegna, 1456–1459 Panel, 68 × 30 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum: St. Sebastian is the subject of three paintings by the Italian Early Renaissance master Andrea Mantegna. Even in this early work, Mantegna showed a certain originality and disregard for convention in religious art. VIII to decorate the new chapel in the Vatican, he spent the Mantegna also adopted the wet drapery patterns of the Romans, who took the form from the Greek invention, for the clothing of his figures, although the tense figures and interactions are derived from Donatello. September, 1506. The two works are now in the Louvre, one is the Parnassus (1497 CE), the other is Virtue Triumphant over Vice (c. 1502 CE), and both are much busier compositions and more flamboyant than other Mantegna works. Vittoria", is now at the Louvre. [4], Andrea seems to have been influenced by his old preceptor's strictures, although his later subjects, for example, those from the legend of St. Christopher, combine his sculptural style with a greater sense of naturalism and vivacity. One particular work was influential, his massive Battle of the Sea Gods engraving (c. 1490 CE), which Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528 CE) took great interest in and transformed into a new work, his Bacchanal with Silenus (1494 CE). contribute to this worthwhile project, you can contact him by e- padovai festő, a térérzékelés, a perspektíva mestere és a reneszánsz quattrocento szakaszának kiemelkedő művészegyénisége. steady development in his manner, he is doubtless best known. "Remaking Dürer: Investigating the Master Engravings by Masterful Engraving,", Learn how and when to remove this template message, St. Bernardino of Siena between Two Angels, Minerva Chases the Vices from the Garden of Virtue, metmuseum Madonna and Child with Saints Girolamo dai Libri (Italian, Verona 1474–1555 Verona) edit:2000 2012,,, Links to all the engravings; see section B, Brief bio of Mantegna from Web Gallery of Art, Works by Andrea Mantegna at the National Gallery, London, Andrea Mantegna at the National Gallery of Art, The Introduction of the Cult of Cybele at Rome,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from June 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017, Articles with dead external links from October 2016, Articles with permanently dead external links, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with KULTURNAV identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TePapa identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 September 2020, at 06:43. a rupture with Squarcione which was final. by lowering the horizon in order to create a sense of greater monumentality. Like other artists of the time, Mantegna experimented with perspective, e.g. under tuition. [7] Another artist from the workshop who made several plates is usually identified as Giovanni Antonio da Brescia (aka Zoan Andrea). Mantegna's work is grandly Sulla famiglia di Mantegna non si sa molto: le poche indicazioni parlano di una stirpe estremamente umile, tanto che da bambino Andrea fa il guardiano di bestiame.

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